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Satanism and the Far Right - Part 4

Literal vs Symbolic
Far Right Groups view of Satanists

Last Updated: 20 Jan 2016  

Literal vs Symbolic

The 'archetype' of Satan is said to represent power, strength, science and technology. These are indeed the qualities and principles on which the Nazi party were based. Satan is meant to represent the 'adversary' or 'rebel' and Neo-Nazism is viewed by some as being as anti-conventional society as it is possible to be (as opposed to Anarchism). There is also the Neo-Darwinian slant and the Nietzschian concept of Will to Power of both philosophies/movments as well as the belief in hard justice, whether executed by the individual on a personal basis or by the state. One can clearly see the potential for overlap between modern Satanism and Neo-Nazism. Of course, whilst there is a heavy overlap philosophically, Satanism in its pure form is about individualism (as long as it embodies strength and the qualities of Satanism), whereas National Socialism and Neo-Nazism is about collectivism and hard rule - which some perceive to be about freedom or social justic as long as they are not being persecuted or having any of their interests restricted of course; and indeed locking up and perhaps killing anyone they feel like, as usually happens in totalitarian states. The key difference is in the use of the word 'socialism' in National Socialism. However, some Satanists do indeed adopt a National Socialist standpoint, strangely not regarding it as socialism somehow.

In the examples above, some of the groups are explicitly Neo-Nazi, for example, the Joy of Satan and the Aryan Satanic Brotherhood. Others have Neo-Nazi connections or condone Neo-Nazism within their ranks - the exact extent of which is not known, and it is still possible they are secretly Neo-Nazi groups pretending to be overly macho Neo-Darwinian dark anarchists and Chaos Magicians. According to one inside source, every Satanist group he has been involved with contains a significant contingent of open Neo-Nazis. Of course, not all Neo-Nazi occultists are Satanists, and in the NSBM (National Socialist Black Metal) scene, Nordic style Odinist religion is also popular, as it represents an Aryan anti-Christian heritage, the 'true culture' of Northern Europeans (well Saxon and Nordic tribes). No one has clearly pointed out to the NSBM bands that heavy metal is derived from Afro-American blues, so that Neo-Nazi pagans are playing in effect amped up 'black' music! The joke is perhaps on them, even if some of the library of music is ok musically.

It is quite easy to dismiss everything Hitler did or stood for, but we should be selective about what we are condemning. After all, our modern society has incorporated a number of technological innovations from Nazi scientists, nuclear bomb making and rocket science. 50-something centre-right hipocrites driving Porsches should bear in mind that the company was given a hefty grant by Adolf Hitler himself, as he felt this was the type of company that typified modern Germany and the German spirit. You don't see the Porsche shareholders (the most profitable car company of the Noughties) giving this money back to Jewish families now! With interest. So it is really certain components of Hitler's agenda that one should take issue with, rather than everything. At the end of the day, clothes are just clothes. If one likes black leather, so what!

Hitler or Nazi iconography can clearly be used as an archetype for strength also, and a metahpor for destruction, which is very fashionable with Satanists. Damios, a polytheistic Satanist friend of mine, has commented that he respected Hitler's resolve to exact his will; to destroy those elements of 'weakness' or 'disease' in society he detested; his power to influence; as well as the 'attractive' nature of Teutonic military design; whilst not particularly agreeing with his racist ideology or indeed Racial and some of his Eugenics policies; the extent of his killing rampage; nor particularly respecting his competence as a military leader (in some phases of WWII) and as an economist and patriot. It is a case of being inspired by certain aspects of his persona and legacy, and not by others. Hitler's relentless desire to eliminate and destroy what he perceived to be elements of weakness or disease, could be taken as a metaphor for eliminating one's own areas of mental weakness, neuroses, materialistic obsessions or indeed other psychological disorders - and possibly even the 'weaker' emotions. It might also be less of a metaphor and more of an inspiration for eliminating what one might perceive to be the weaker trends or elements in society, the safety net and excessive comfort and laziness that discourages personal growth and strength and encourages mental illness, weakness and laziness - so not racial per se but more about attitude, belief and molycoddling.

Of course, for some Satanists, a desire and belief that one can conquer the whole world is appealing! Some Satanists clearly like the idea of exacting one's will and stomping on those that get in our way or try to mess with us, but do not particularly like the idea of mass enforcement of an ideology on them, and persecuting people based on this, even if it does overlap with some of their views. The manner in which one can 'utilise' the symbol of Hitler or Nazi-inspired symbolism is clearly heterogeneous in nature. Some will always find it distasteful and dubious, and believe it can only mean one thing; and that those who use such symoblism but deny being Neo-Nazi sympathisers are in fact not being honest with themselves - or are being very childish. Perhaps for some, it is also a means of offending people or being 'shocking', offensive, 'evil-looking' or provocative, in the same way that using the name 'Satan' or 'Satanist' when one does not actually believe in Satan or any religious deity or spirit (e.g. the more militaristic/Teutonic looking/dressed CoS members). One could argue it is pershaps slightly unoriginal, and overworked metaphor in whatever context it is used. For example, it is an internet forum faux pas to compare anyone to a 'Nazi', not because it is offensive, but because it doesn't mean very much and is so over-used. There is clearly not always a simple interpretation that applies to everyone, and there will always be personal variations in interpretation and metaphor, conscious and subconscious.

For some Satanists or occultists, utilising 'local power' or local forms of identity or genetic memory as leverage can be said to help make one's magick stronger. The definition of 'local power' is however problematic. Does this instrinsically have to mean 'race'? One physical form is part of one's identity for many people, but skin colour is just one component of one's physical form. One could focus on being human or being 'me' which is essentially what the LHP is supposed to be about. One could focus on one's eye colour or clothes, or one's most treasured possessions, for example. Skin colour is microscopic fraction of the total information, active and recessive, stored in our genes (determining past and present biochemical pathways and adaptations). If one is to focus on 'genetic memory', why do people automatically look at 'race'? Local power could also mean local pagan monuments or similar. The leap for many automaticaly to Nazism is a rather big leap. Nazism was a recreationist Germanic identity, and not strictly accurate to past traditions or practices. If anything it was influenced in some respects by Greek and Roman paganism, which were not Germanic at all. Aryan Europeans and American white supremacists may see Nazism as representing their ethnic identity, but this often comes out of ignorance of their cultural and ethnic origins. For example, Celts had nothing to do with Germanic tribes and had entirely different cultural and religious traditions. How useful any of these concepts are is debatable on account of the extent of cultural and ethnic mixing in Europe over the last 2000 years, and indeed the evolution of culture and cross-fertilisation of culture. The Nation State has not existed so long historically speaking either. Which point in time do we want to freeze and what version of this snapshot in time do we want to believe or what aspect do we want to focus on? At the end of the day, all these things are relative, and whatever a person attributes to be of personal and subjective significance is what can be powerful. That is not so say that whatever that is then is an objective and absolute truth however. Related issues are examined on the Identity and Difference page in the Psychology section.

It is important to understand the difference between Neo-Darwinist philosophy, which may be racially indiscriminate, White Separatism that may not regard other 'races' as inferior but which only promotes its own 'race' and does not support mixing of cultures (which historically has never happened), and Neo-Nazism and White Supremacism. Most extreme or sinister Satanists as described in this article are of the Neo-Darwinian and perhaps emphasising an exaggerated Aryan/White Separatist theme in certain respects as an archetype for their Sinister selves and cultural identity as it serves their purpose. There seem to be a few genuine Neo-Nazi groups and members within groups, but they seem to be a minority.

Some LaVeyan music artists admit to being Fascists or having Fascist-like ideas, but often deny the specific accusation of being Neo-Nazis, desite using Nazi iconography and imagery in their music, videos and dress etc, including the use of Swastikas. It is easy to argue it is simply a metaphor - Fascism being more 'politically correct' and 'socially acceptable' than Neo-Nazism. But if one indeed was a Neo-Nazi, and wanted to spread Neo-Nazism, then this would indeed be the best way to do it, in a somewhat ambiguous manner, so one could have a convenient get out clause if people accused on of being a real Nazi. Using the excuse of 'art'. How is anyone going to tell the difference between genuine Neo-Nazi Satanists and those that simply flirt with the imagery and rhetoric? Unless one makes explicit statements about race, then one cannot prove that the person in question is really a Neo-Nazi, and they can continue doing what they do. It will be very hard to determine the actual extent or sympathy for Neo-Nazism within the CoS and indeed Satanism as a whole for these reasons.

It could be argued that Church of Satan celebrity music artists who use Nazi style iconography and imagery are being deliberately confusing and ambiguous, and merely courting controversy for the sake of it; or are simply a bunch of 'fakers' or bandwagon jumpers, who don't believe in eithe Satan or in Nazism, who embrace the 'cake and eat it' school of thought. By embracing or flirting with certain archetypes, many LaVeyan Satanists only have themselves to blame if people assume they are Devil Worshippers or Neo-Nazis.Why not just be yourself and say what you think, rather than such posturing, posing and flirtation? Be honest and congruent in what you say, how you look and what you do. Congruence is a fundamental principle of influence, and if you do not appear congruent, the mind does not take it in or believe in it. Gratuitous posing or association with any form of symbolism or uniform is arguably a sign of deep-rooted insecurity, lack of confidence and self-esteem, and lack of self-knowledge. Perhaps it is a sign of weakness, the one value that such individuals claim to detest so much.

The German Cross is of course not a Nazi symbol per se, as it is still in use by Germany today, as it is a symbol of the German nation. The usage of it however is likely inspired by the German nation and army of WWI and WWII, where it is found amongst Hell's Angels, Heavy Metal Bands and of course Neo-Nazis. It is seen as a symbol of power and strength, representing the warrior spirit. Which is somewhat strange given its current historical context. One might argue that Shadow Reichenstein wear it because it is not legal in Germany to wear the Swastika or display it in public.

Many Neo-Nazis have adopted Satanic or Nordic/Odinist pagan symbolism (but whether they really follow these religions may be a matter of debate!)

There is a large amount of scope for Neo-Nazis and National Socialists to feel particularly comfortable in Satanist circles, and possibly blend in seamlessly, although if they open their mouth too much it will become obvious what they are about at some point. Some fans and members maybe take the imagery of some of the stylised Satanist musical artists too seriously.

One could of course argue that the use of historical military German imagery, representing a period in history when German was a military aggressor, starting two World Wars in Europe (at least starting the Northern European part of WWI), is simply an archetype for strength and power, and utilising that archetype for one's own personal reasons, to make one feel more confident or empowered, does not necessarily mean one is a racist. In the same way that a person who listens to crustcore punk is not necessarily an anarchist, and a person who listens to early 80s Skrewdriver is not necessarily a racist - but of course many are. In a sense Satanists could well be using Neo-Nazi or Nazi imagery in the same way that they use inverted Christian imagery - to create a 'new meaning' for this imagery which is self-empowering to them - i.e. personal power or strong and aggressive individualism and desire to protect one's freedom (as opposed to a collectivist National Socialist meaning) - allegedly.

The affinity for the portrayal of violence and militarism for some aspiring Satanist teenagers is struggle for identity, to express anger and personal-power, and an excuse to deny their softer side. A form of front and false confidence. It is arguably a projection of the shadow. It is usually all talk and no trousers as few if any of the individuals who use such violent imagery could or would ever do it. The minority of individuals who genuinely have such violent desires may find certain Satanic groups safe havens where their beliefs can become further justified, whereupon it may actually culminate in violence. Whether they are formal members of Satanic orders or just find inspiration from the various bands that use such imagery.

However, it could equally be argued that whilst one may use such archetypes (in a restricted sense and without reference to genocide etc.) from time to time or to explore a part of one's character, there are other ways to achieve this; e.g. one might look to the skinhead movement if one wanted to embrace an archetype of strength that was not necessarily racist or associated with genocide - but this is not as readily assimilable to the 'goth' aesthetic that many Satanists sheepishly adhere to; nor would it embrace the spirit of domination as well as the Nazi imagery does (as the Werewolf Order is about 'leadership' and directing others). Nikolas Schreck himsefl actually praised the skinhead movement as it was one of the few threatening youth cultures of today that genuinely went against middle class and politically correct values - even though he always stuck to the goth aesthetic himself. Indeed embracing an archetype from time to time is one thing, but going around ALL THE TIME wearing Neo-Nazi resembling outfits or clothing is quite another. A few punk bands or industrial bands have dressed up as Nazis once or twice in their careers as a joke on fascism, but to dress up in Nazi SS style uniforms on a routine basis, and to have an anti-Nazi stance, is rather ridiculous. The whole thing smells of conformity and stereotype if nothing else. Aren't individualists supposed to be themselves and create something new, and dare to be different, rather than conforming to the same old stereotypes?

One could also argue that various Satanic organisations and metal bands embrace historical Nazi imagery in order to soften the negative association and indeed create a positive association for many teens, goths, death metal fans and indeed those interested in the occult and Satanism. A way to draw more people into National Socialism and indeed Neo-Nazism, by their interest in rebelling against society, doing what they want, and embracing survival of the fittest on a personal level to gain control of their own lives; the jump to full blown Neo-Nazism being reduced by the softening of the previous negative associations.

There are numerous examples of bands that are clearly not Neo-Nazi in any way, that employ some Germanic symbolism, because they just like the Teutonic look, e.g. Lemmy of Motorhead wearing the German Cross. This is a Hells Angel/Biker/Metal type thing. Lemmy himself collects Nazi WW2 antiques as he likes the aesthetic of the period. It is no surprise that many children prefer the German WW2 military vehicles over the British or American because the design is just so. This doesn't make them Neo-Nazi sympathisers.

A byproduct of using Nazi iconography or aesthetics is to influence young, naive music fans, Satanists or occultists, who are largely uneducated and with little life experience, to flirt with Nazism and in many cases embrace Nazism. Such bands encourage Neo-Nazi skinheads and other Neo-Nazis, and also make such movements more 'hip' and socially acceptable. The fact that many of the fans are not particularly intellectual thugs, in contrast with the bands' or key figures' elitist, intellectual stance, is quite ironic. There are leaders and there are followers. The NSBM scene is a case in point, and undoubtedly encouraging many 'goths' and metallers to listen to music with National Socialist lyrics who would otherwise not do so, and many may well end up adopting these ideas and philosophies, to varying degrees. If one was to listen to racist proganda long enough, one would likely be more open to embrace such ideas. Losing the stigma attached to Nazi iconography could perhaps open the mind more to these ideas, as much of the pain associated with such philosophies has been eroded away. A little like being around drugs makes many (but not all) youths more likely to try them, having previously stayed away because of shock tactic TV campaigns etc. (i.e. through fear and stigma) and many ending up psychologically dependent and exacerbating their psychological problems. The militaristic and National Socialist ethic is attract to some teenagers who lack the self-confidence to know better, and suppressing some of their softer emotions can be an attractive form of escape and rebellion.

Clearly citing isolated examples of LaVey Satanists who are Neo-Nazis, or merely use a variety of fascistic imagery to explore the emotions or challenge contemporary Western values, or who appear that they 'might' be racists to the casual observer is clearly no real evidence that LaVey Satanists are 'all' Neo-Nazis or that LaVey Satanism contains disproportionately more Neo-Nazis that other religions. Whilst there may be some ambiguity, there are clear examples of famous LaVey Satanists who are clearly not racists, for example, the man who calls himself 'Marilyn Manson'.

The late Anton LaVey's and other senior members of the CoS's Neo-Nazi connections are however somewhat concerning and the extent to which the higher levels of the organisation was populated by Neo-Nazis is a matter of debate. To what extent racism or Neo-Nazism amongst members has simply been ignored as one's own political views are one's own private business, and to what extent certain parts of the CoS are a breeding ground for the far right, and is actively used to brainwash members into far right thinking or to bully other members is not something I can comment on with any authority. One can only speculate. The Satanic stance is one of amorality rather than immorality, and as such this logic can perhaps justify tolerating those with extreme beliefs, even if potentially those beliefs (with a twisted moral basis) if enforced could impinge on their own personal freedom. To regard LaVeyan Satanism as purely amoral would not strictly speaking be correct, as clearly there are strict moral codes regarding animals and children, just not 'guilty' adults! However, one could argue that this attitude amongst many Satanists allows a breeding ground for the far right to develop within their organisations. If the Church of England, for example, had a large proportion of priests who were affiliated with Neo-Nazi groups, individual members of the church would be extremely concerned and there would be a major overhaul of the church. However, most Satanists aren't so bothered or are not aware of the extent of adoption of National Socialism or Fascism, whether explicitly or in a 'closet' form, within their respective Orders or Churches. Some orders are better than others, and indeed certain orders, e.g. The Ordo Luciferi (Luciferian Order - not strictly speaking 'Satanists' but the more spiritual Luciferian variety) take an extremely firm stance of Neo-Nazi applicants or members. Perhaps the Church of Satan should take note. If you condone something, you are in a sense encouraging or approving it, or regarding it as innocuous. It is a fine balance as to how much to respect people's own personal beliefs, but it could be argued that Neo-Nazis are non-logical and have no place in the rationalism of Satanism in its conventional forms at any rate.

When it comes to the adoption of Neo-Nazi ideologies, the desire for mainstream religions, or at least the mainstream versions of them, seems to disappear on the whole as they embody 'weakness' or are a little 'cissy' (of course with exceptions), and a desire for either atheism or religions that embody strength are more desirable, for example, Satanism. Of course, some extremists do adopt darker and more violent forms of their own religions, for example, Aryan Christianity or Fundamentalist Islam. The KKK often claim to be Christian, but this is in some doubt and there is evidence to suggest many are actually either Luciferians or Satanists. Much like many Freemason branches that are formally aligned to Christianity or Islam but are in fact heavily populated by occultists.

Satanism claims to be all about the individual and personal freedom, so by that definition, Satanic organisations themselves should allow people to hold whatever ridiculous beliefs they want, however socially unacceptable or extreme, as long as they don't try to impose those on others. This is the concept of true freedom. However, the irony is that many of these belief systems do not promote personal freedom but rigid rule and collectivist type models or brutal totalitarianism and have little to do with securing people's personal liberties and more about a minority of individuals using the human population as a canvas to express and exact their Will, to express themselves, which is not of course always in everyone's interest. But if people are too dim witted and are easily conditioned, then arguably they only have themselves to blame for the consequences.

The far right has always had its internal conflicts, with division over the race issue etc. The far right has always been a firm advocate of law and order, but syncretically it also seems in extreme cases to be promoting violence, criminality and lawlessness. Far right thugs who are involved in criminal gangs or football hooliganism for example put themselves and their own desire for criminality and selfishness first, whilst opposing criminality of others and calling for tough police action. The police are often loathed amongst extreme far rightists, but equally they like the police but wish they would tackle crime in a different way. The actual politics in such cases in not very well thought through, and takes a back seat to all other activities the individual is involved with. It is in many senses a case of one rule for us, another one for them. Perhaps Satanism has a similar internal conflict, in that it tries to embody technology, liberal freedoms but also strength, brutality, and a retrogressive cultural view that harks back to the Middle Ages. Of course, Satanists are a very syncretic and heterogeneous bunch, and each person has his own political beliefs. However that is not to say that just because a given individual may adopt certain modalities of the far right, that does not mean that most far right supporters would want anything to do with him if they knew what he was really about. This is why many Satanists keep quiet about their affiliations when networking with far right extremists and Neo-Nazis.

It is not uncommon in such LHP groups for members to dislike each other on certain levels (i.e. think of some members as assholes), but also to respect each other's 'power' and strength of will (e.g. a worthy adversary etc.) Being an 'asshole' is quite widely accepted in many LHP circles, and being likeable to some is not important. Being a bit of an asshole at times may also get you kudos, as a sign of a strong Will, outspoken and unwaivering nature and a sign of strength. Anyone who is too 'nice' may be seen to show signs of weakness of Will, which to some is definitely not an attractive trait. The purpose of the LHP is generally accepted to not be about being popular, which is not important or relevant, unless one wants it to be.

When it comes to the LHP in general, people tend to follow their interests, and take little interest or spend little time studying that which they are not interested in. For many LHP practitioners, the ONA is not to their tastes or liking, and are simply not interested in actively studying them; and if members knowingly risk their lives to join and die, well that is their problem. The internal activities of other occult groups that one doesn't particularly 'dig' are simply not of interest to most LHP practitioners. Not relevant and not their problem. If you don't like it, don't join.

Some LHP adherents may however object to the activities of Neo-Nazi organisations which seek to uproot the stability of society (although not all LHP practitioners care about this or are afraid of violence or killing when strictly necessary) and infringe on their personal liberties or those of others. Clearly there are many aspects to Satanism, Dark Occultism, Luciferianism and the Left Hand Path, and there will always be some group out there that focuses on some aspects and deviates from or ignores others, to create a niche or extreme group; and equally there will always be those that want to take things further and to be more 'powerful', whatever that might mean in absolute terms, and in terms of further repression of their softer emotions. Whether such individuals are highly misguided or enlightened, or both, is up to them to figure out, or not. Or for them to be arrested if they are caught breaking the law.

Below is a web site critically analysing how there are overlaps between the Nazism and Satanism but some fundamental differences.


Below is a Christian view of racism within Satanism.


Far Right Groups view of Satanists



The UK Far Right fanzine 'The Final Conflict' warns of the infiltration of Far Right groups by Satanists. Presumably such traditional right wing groups, although not expressly religious seeking preservation of certain perceived cultural traits and an idealised view of UK culture and nation (whatever the means. The token Christian identity may be akin to wanting Christian monuments and traditions and festivities as part of the culture of British life, in the British moderate manner, as long as it isn't forced down their throat and does not affect their lifestyle. See the Difference page in the Psychology section).

Many in the far right do not like the presence or infiltration of Satanists in their movement, as Satanists seem to be using the Far Right for their own ends without genuinely being for it in all of its aspects, and are primarily concerned with their individual liberal rights (as well as the thuggish far right Darwinian attributes) - this is where the individualism vs collectivist philosophies clash. However this is not universally the case. Sinister Satanists are keen to embody prejudice and Neo-Darwinism, when it is in the form of racial or cultural prejudice for example, in other words when they are on the giving end, not the receiving end, when it comes to prejudice towards those who look like 'freaks'.

Satanists have a public image problem and may give the movement a 'bad name' on account of the prejudices of the general public about Satanism, the stereotypes of which may Sinister or Hardcore Satanists seem to embody. Their presence may also put off many conservative right wing Christians or various levels of religious extremism and cause an unwanted split in the movement.

Satanists within far right organisations in general from what I understand tend to keep quiet about their own personal practices and spiritual inclinations, although some members may try to 'sniff them out'.

This '100 page booklet' is referenced also on the Death in June (DIJ - a National Boshevik band) web site, although DIJ have open affiliation with Fascist and Far Right Satanists:

The vast majority of white supremacists and white separatists dislike Islam (in their back yard) and want to do everything they can to prevent 'Islamification' of the UK. This is likely to be more for cultural than racial or religious reasons. However they may point to the anti-democratic aspects of fundamentalist Islam to justify their position, which makes up a small minority of UK Muslims. However, if far right supporters dislike Islam and 'Islamification', then the last thing they want is 'Satanisation' or 'Satanification' of the UK - permeating the 'national culture' and turning it into some kind of 'pagan freakshow'; rather than preserving current nominally religious Protestant national identity, whilst simultaneously condoning the excesses of working class violence and misbehaviour for many (a kind of cake and eat it situation). Most people in the far right probably have a right wing Biblical view of Satanism, and although they are not strong Christians, they may oppose anything that is not Christian. Of course, the far right is heterogeneous, and many supporters and atheists and non-religious. The proportion of 'heavy metal' Satanist wannabees in the Far Right has probably increased over the years, and they are probably supportive of Satanists as it is deemed 'bad ass' and 'tough'.

Some Satanists do make up a minority of the far right supporters, but one can question their dedication to the cause, in that they may well just be using the far right and its archetypes for their own ends, and when it comes down to it, although they may pay lip service to an Aryan collective (often in a cultural/non-racial manner), are in the first instance concerned with their individual rights. This is brought out in the desire amongst the vast majority of Satanists to have full freedom of speech, promotion gay rights (as this is not seen to have anything to do with one's proclivity for racial or cultural prejudice) and also pro-abortion stance. Satanism thus in many respects is promoting personal freedom, but for far right Satanists, in the context of the collective. Thus it is a form of extreme Darwinian liberalism. The right to do and say what you want but also the right to fight and if necessary kill one's enemies, which is not a characteristic of liberalism. Thus far right Satanists will always have a slightly strained relationship with mainstream supporters of the far right, who may tolerate them as long as they are fighting for most of the same goals (but of course may not publicly want to be associated with them). Most far right supporters I've come across are extremely homophobic, for instance.

If Britain for example did adopt a Neo-Nazi style government, it is likely that a return to the 'good old days' of picking on anyone deemed to be different would occur, including Satanists. A strong, militaristic style government can of course exist in a democratic, liberal framework, for example, ancient Greece and perhaps the far right will evolve over time, in the same way the Labour party did to move with the times and appeal to the middle classes and wealthy. The far right in the UK appears to be embracing certain tenets of libertarianism within the nationalist context, and is less concerned with the imperialism and foreign conquest of the past and indeed keeping out of the international 'policing' efforts of the developed nations in the Middle East and North Africa (which are arguably only conducted when it is politically or economically in these countries' interests). Whether there is any real substance there or it is merely rhetoric to gain votes, and how far this liberatarian ethic goes, only time will tell.

One thing is likely, if Hitler was alive today, or if we could recreate a modern version of the Fourth Reich (the Fifth Reich?), then he would probably want to cleanse Germany of rebellious individuals who dressed in gothic clothes, and who openly professed Satanism, as 'freaks' (from his perspective) and social misfits rather than representing a pseudo-traditional view or vision of Germany; and indeed eliminate anyone that he could not easily control and manipulate, even if they supported the same ends and helped him in various ways in the past, like he did with the Brown Shirts (SA) during the Night of the Long Knives.

© 2006-2022 Fabian Dee