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Choices and Conditioning

Last Updated: 28 April 2020

It is said that the choices one makes in life result in who we are. If we make decisions whilst in a peak state, as discussed on the Focus page, then we will most likely make better and more empowering decisions for us. We will be more ourselves during the decision making process and be more likely to make a choice that will allow us to continue to be ourselves or express ourselves more truly in various avenues in life. Or avoid making a 'cock up'!

Below we shall briefly examine how some of the above areas of influence, both external and internal, mould our perceptions, and influence our focus and core beliefs and hence our state of mind, choices and actions. These circles of influence are categorised in the following manner. These are broadly based on the definitions in the book 'Fringe Knowledge for Beginners' by Montalk, chapter 16, 'Battle of Opposites' (see the Links page for more information). Some parts of this book may be a little 'New Age', and the concepts have been presented below and applied to some more real world examples.

Clearly distinguishing between the above may take some time, and some of the above you may well be already familiar with. Hard and fast categorisation is perhaps not necessary, but an intuitive understanding of what they are, how they operate, and what you want and don't want is however very useful and comes with time. It is clearly easier to hold ourselves and weigh ourselves down, and to let others drag us down, but it is harder to soar and reach new heights! If we can identify those weights that are holding us down then that is a good start! If we can learn to identify and pursue positive internal and external encouragement, then we can achieve much greater mental heights of joy, bliss, wisdom and self-awareness.

'Losing faith in what is a good idea' can be distinguished from 'Intuition finally emergy that it was a bad idea all along'. Both start with hope and are interrupted by discouragement. But losing faith in what is a good idea started out with excitement about how things are and is later overpowered by discouragement about what could be (i.e. what if - imaging speculative failure scenarios or fear/insecurity); whereas 'intuition emerging that it was a bad idea all along' starts with overconfidence and overenthusiastic fantasizing with regards to what could be (what if) and is eventually defeated by how things actually are (what is) - a rude awakening or a short sharp shock, e.g. drug taking.

'Indifference because of an absence of soul interest' can be distinguished from 'Programming to resist and turn away'. Both involve a lack of complete enthusiasm, but the first involves a lack of inner enthusiasm; whilst 'programming to resist and turn away' involves a considerable amount of enthusiasm but it is drowned out by negative thoughts and beliefs such as distracting failure scenarios and insecurity - and these negative thoughts can be overcome if one pays attention to one's inner enthusiasm and empowering beliefs in this area.

'Good idea that meets obstacles' can be distinguished from 'Obstacles that signify a bad idea'. Both scenarios involve goals that are being hindered. However, with a 'good idea that meets obstacles', the obstacles have no bearing on the validity of the idea (and bypassing the obstacle would be sensible); whereas 'obstacles that signify a bad idea', the obstacles do actually show that the idea is flawed, impractical and should be abandoned or changed/fine tuned.

'Resistance stemming from intuitively perceived danger' can be distinguished from 'Being programmed to resist out of fear'. Both involve the impression of danger and fear. However 'resistance stemming from intuitively perceived danger' involves a sense of urgency that heightens one's awareness and perception, and perception of the objective reality of the scenario precedes the fear. Our fear or perception of danger is based on intuition and gut instinct, and our awareness. 'Being programmed to resist out of fear' originates in fearful negative beliefs which adversely shape our perception by inducing symptoms of fear an panic. In other words fear precedes our perception of the objective reality of the scenario, and prevents heightened perception or indeed any real perception of the truth or reality by locking in our thoughts into irrational fear. The real danger may not even have been spotted indeed if there was any there at all! One should be able to tell if one has thought oneself into fear based on our known neuroses (that we should be honest with ourselves about) or if one has a wide enough calm awareness of the situation to perceive an intuitive potential threat based on gut instinct and wisdom.

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